I got ambitious and took the promised photos of the blueprints, which had some additional info about the house. It was originally built for Mr. and Mrs. Geo Greis. The project started July 1939 (the house was finalized in 1943 according to tax records). The architects were David C. Baer and Lewis M. Hamby, whose office was located at 903 W. 24th, Austin, TX at the time.

The main difference is that our house used to have a garage in the front (the thing on the right that says Gravel Floor). The pencil drawing over the original blueprint is the current layout of the front of the house - with some of the garage becoming the front of the house, some of it becoming our front porch and some of it becoming our driveway. This is pretty surprising because we have a carport in the back and if I had to guess I would have said it was original to the house. Whoever built it, built it in the style of the original construction. The back of the house and kitchen have sense been added onto as well.

The best thing about this photo is that we now know what the original door looked like. I have a mild obsession with front doors and I hate our current one (because it's ugly). I was originally thinking
The Westhaven would be perfect (Rachel liked
The Highgrove) but now I'm thinking
The Romeria or
The Montrose might be more appropriate. (Our door would be in black, probably, to go with the white brick.) You can also really see the garage here. Maybe most surprising of all, our house used to be more siding than brick. Our house is almost entirely brick in front now; when they knocked down the garage they must have replaced all the siding.
East Side

The porch seen here (from the front of the house to the downspout) is now our dining room. Windows, doors and stairs are gone and our kitchen table is there now.

The back of the house looks nothing like this anymore. From the left side of the house to the downspout has been added on to and is now a study/master bath. They mimicked the look of the original house by putting in corner windows and added a back door. Both of which are really nice to have.
West Side

The garage and wood siding is now gone and that small window got turned into a full-size window. The house originally had wood shingles with a metal ridge running up the middle. I bet it looked really sweet with the wood siding. We now have normal shingles (whatever they're made out of). I haven't been on the roof yet, but I think the metal ridge is gone too.
Addition "blue" print

I found this in with the original blueprints. It's a big porch addition on the back of the house, also adding the back door. It looks like this took place at the same time they took out the garage; those "new walls" at the bottom of the page are the current footprint of the house. This addition has since became the study and master bath.
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