

Ad Sizes
Standard ad sizes on our mid-century blog are: 300 x 600, 300 x 250 and 300 x 100. Your landing page will open in a new window.
300 x 600 : $100 per month
300 x 250 : $50 per month
300 x 100 : $25 per month

Other Placements
Please email if you're looking for a different banner size or other placements. Mid-Century Austin Living does write reviews, host promotional offers and contests, which are usually done though a post. However, we do not guarantee reviews of items sent and you can not directly purchase a post, content, keyword links or a guest authorship. Mid-Century Austin Living may be compensated by companies mentioned through advertising, affiliate programs or otherwise.

How to Get Started

What You Need to Send
A 72 dpi jpeg or gif in the size of your banner and the link you want the ad to point to.

Payments accepted
We accept payments through PayPal or check. Payment must be made and cleared before the ad is placed.